
I think it’s really happening.

I hope so. I’ve created a website, taken author photos, reshaped my public-facing Instagram account, downed many celebratory drinks, and casually slipped my news into everyday catch-ups with friends.

I’m getting my book published. Yah, no biggie. Just the goal I’ve been working to achieve the past 20 years.

So while this is primetime news for me, I have yet been able to share publicly in any grand way (including the obligatory Publishers Marketplace post) simply because my book has no title. Without a title, the hype, pomp, and social media festivities around my book has to simmer, a slow and steady warming as it waits and watches, trying its best not to explode. 

Luckily, I’m a planner. So I have plenty to keep me busy while discussing possible titles with my editor and agent. And by talking to other writers, I’ve come to learn that my situation is not rare. Picking just the right title for one’s books has many implications, including its cover art since, despite wise warnings against doing so, readers often do judge a book based on it.

I’ve also stayed occupied and distracted by trying to learn every single thing about being a debut author, tidbits gleaned from podcasts, blog posts, articles, and author groups. One resource that has helped temper my impatience is the podcast First Draft with Sarah Enni, specifically her Track Changes episodes recorded in 2020, highlighting many of the realities of getting published, and wonderful lessons from writers, editors, and other pros. I’m glad I have been able to take in so much before taking off. So this title delay might not be such a terrible thing. 

Because actually, it is really happening. And I am ecstatic.


My Baby’s Got a Name